1. NAME:  

This Branch shall be known as the Alberta-Northwest Territories Command, Vulcan Branch No. 21 of The Royal Canadian Legion and shall hereinafter be referred to as the Branch.  


Branch Membership shall be comprised of Life, Ordinary, Associate, Affiliate Voting, and Affiliate Non-Voting in accordance with the General By-Laws of The Royal Canadian Legion.  

  1. No person shall be nominated except as otherwise provided in these By- laws. Only Life, Ordinary, Associate and Affiliate-Voting members in good standing shall have the right to vote or hold office at any level within this branch.  
  1. Members so nominated must be present at the nominating meeting or have signified in writing willingness to accept such office.  
  1. Subject to the General By-Laws and Alberta-NWT Command policy, a member in good standing may hold more than one position within the Branch.  
  1. The holding of two (2) Officer positions simultaneously should be avoided.  
  1. The President, 2nd Vice President, and one half of the Executive Committee members shall be elected and installed at the December General Meeting for a period of two (2) years on odd numbered years.  

The 1st Vice President and remaining half of the Executive Committee shall be elected and installed on even numbered years.  

  1. Nominations for the election of Officers and the Executive Committee members shall be held at the General Meeting in October or November.  

Every new member shall be initiated according to the Ritu I. Awards and Protocol Manual prior to receiving a membership card.  


The Procedure for lodging complaints against members, and the subsequent disciplinary action shall be strictly in accordance with Article Ill of the current General By-Laws.  

  1. Every member shall pay annual dues in an amount to be decided upon by a General Meeting of the Branch.  
  1. Members whose dues are not paid by the thirty-first (31st) of January annually, are considered not in good standing, and shall be dealt with in accordance with the current General By-Laws.  


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  1. OFFICERS:  

The Officers of the Branch shall be the: (i) President;  

  1. Immediate Past President;  
  1. First Vice-President;  
  1. Second Vice-President (optional)  
  1. Treasurer, and (vi) Secretary.  

The President shall preside at all Meetings and ensure they are conducted in an orderly manner.  

In the absence or disability of the President, the 1st Vice President shall take over the President’s Position until an election at a General Meeting.  

The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Executive and General Meetings. The Secretary shall have the proper minute book and all correspondence at each Meeting.  

  1. The Branch Executive Committee shall be the:  
  1. Officers, and  
  1. Three (3) Executive Members as may be required for the proper operation of the Branch.  
  1. The Branch Executive Committee shall take office and assume their duties and functions preferably that day, or no later than 30 days after being elected.  
  1. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly and transaction the business of the Branch, subject to the jurisdiction of membership of the Branch assembled in a General Meeting.  
  1. The duties and obligations of the Executive Committee shall be in accordance with the Branch Leadership Manual.  
  1. A quorum for the Executive meetings shall be formed when a majority of the Executive Committee are in attendance.  

{f)  The Executive Committee Members shall not exceed an expenditure of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) without the approval of the majority of voting members at a General Meeting.  

  1. Should any member of the Executive Committee be absent from three (3) consecutive Meetings without a satisfactory reason approved by the other members of the Committee, they will cease to hold office and the position will be filled by an election at the next General Meeting.  
  1. Two (2) members from the Executive Committee shall be appointed as District Representatives and will represent the Vulcan Branch at District Meetings and have voting power at the Election of District Commander.  
  1. A General Meeting of the Branch shall be held on the 4th Monday of every month, except in July and August, at which time the minutes of the previous General Meeting shall be distributed and adopted.  
  1. A quorum for a General Meeting shall be ten (10) voting members present who are in good standing.  



  1. The date of the General Meeting may be changed by the President for justifiable purposes. Such change must be ratified at a previous General Meeting.  
  1. An Annual Meeting shall be held in December each year for the receiving of a report of Branch finances and for the election of the Branch Executive Committee, or in lieu thereof for deciding the date and method of electing the Branch Executive Committee. A financial statement will be presented at the regular General Meeting in March.  
  1. A quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall be ten (10) voting members present who are in good standing.  
  1. The President, and Elected Executive Officers, may appoint a Chairman for each of the following Standing Committees at the first meeting of the Executive Committee following the election:  
  1. By-Laws and Resolutions  
  1. Entertainment;  
  1. Finance;  
  1. House and Property;  
  1. Membership;  
  1. Poppy;  
  1. Service Officer  
  1. Sick and Visiting;  
  1. Sports and Games;  
  1. Ways and Means; and  
  1. Other Committees as deemed necessary.  
  1. Each Chairman so appointed shall select the members of the Committee, submitting names to the Executive Committee for approval at its next meeting.  
  1. Chairman of Standing Committees shall submit a written report to the Executive as required, or as agreed upon, by request of the Executive Committee.  
  1. The Chairman of the Finance Committee (Treasurer) shall:  
  1. Maintain an accurate and true account of all monies received and paid out by the Branch;  
  1. Maintain a record of all other financial transactions of the Branch;  
  1. Be a signatory on all Branch financial accounts, and  
  1. Deposit all Branch funds, in the name of the Branch, in a bank or other recognized financial institution designated by the Branch.  
  1. All Branch cheques, drafts, or orders of payment of money shall be signed by the Treasurer and the Branch President, or such persons as the Executive Committee may designate. A minimum of three (3) Branch Executive Officers must have signing authority. No two (2) signing authorities may be related to each other nor live in the same domicile. No blank cheques are to be signed.  

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  1. A registered accounting firm shall provide a complete annual review of the financial records of the Branch.  
  1. These By-Laws shall not be altered, amended, varied, or added to except by Notice of Motion.  
  1. Any Notice of Motion must:  
  1. Be given in writing at the General Meeting prior to the one at which it will be given consideration;  
  1. Detail such alteration, amendment, variation, deletion, or addition;  
  1. Be signed by the member presenting the Notice of Motion; and  
  1. Receive a majority of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at the Meeting at which it is given consideration.  


These By-Laws shall not be in effect until approved by Alberta-NWT Command..  


Certified to be a true copy of the By-Laws of the Alberta-NWT Command Vulcan Branch No. 21 of The Royal Canadian Legion, as approved by a General Meeting of the Branch on the  7th day of March 2023.